Nokia representative Geoff Bundt presented the latest and
greatest offering from Nokia camera.
We support and curate discovery-driven immersive technology endeavors, providing insight and opportunity through the introduction, education and application of
alternative realities and how they enhance the human experience.
About us
We support and curate discovery-driven immersive technology endeavors, providing insight and opportunity through the introduction, education and application of
alternative realities and how they enhance the human experience.
About us
About us
About us
We support and curate discovery-driven immersive technology endeavors, providing insight and opportunity through the introduction, education and application of
alternative realities and how they enhance the human experience.
We support and curate discovery-driven immersive technology endeavors, providing insight and opportunity through the introduction, education and application of
alternative realities and how they enhance the human experience.
We explore, experiment in and educate all possibilities available through virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Extreme
Reality (XR), and all existing and emerging immersive technologies.
We explore, experiment in and educate all possibilities available through virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Extreme
Reality (XR), and all existing and emerging immersive technologies.
We explore, experiment in and educate all possibilities available through virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Extreme
Reality (XR), and all existing and emerging immersive technologies.
We explore, experiment in and educate all possibilities available through virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Extreme
Reality (XR), and all existing and emerging immersive technologies.

We support and curate discovery-driven immersive technology endeavors, providing insight and opportunity through the introduction, education and application of
alternative realities and how they enhance the human experience.
We support and curate discovery-driven immersive technology endeavors, providing insight and opportunity through the introduction, education and application of
alternative realities and how they enhance the human experience.
• 3opolis, LLC
ª CTC Foundation
• Holocryptics
• Alternity
• Laugh Lounge
• Planet Experts
• BroomX
• Quantum Harmonix
• Michael Strauss Visuals
• Visual Reality
• Move the World
• Joel Fitzpatrick Studio
• 3c Center for Conscious Creativity

Foundation Supported
The Lab
The founders of The Creative Technology Center have produced and hosted dozens of events and programs since 2013. Historically, The VR Lounge (Don Schneider and Dan Weinberg), which originated in Las Vegas, joined with Michael Page (formerly of Panasonic 3D) to create innovative events for The Creative Technology Center in the Los Angeles Arts District at the Brewery Arts Center.
Over the years, Meetups have been
one of our major drivers to bring
together pioneers in the creative
tecnology and immersive experience
space. For years, key players have
been meeting at the CTC Studio to
share the latest in creative technology
as well as VR, AR, and XR innovation.
See our pioneering history on the
About Us page.
Stage and Offices Specs:
• Main Stage (The Cove) 45’x45’
• Modular Stage
• Hair & Makeup
• Wardrobe
• Loft Office 18’x 15’
• Loft Lounge
• Conference Area 20’x11’
• Kitchen
Equipment Rentals and Sales
• BroomX Projector
• RealiSphere Projector
• Holocryptics
• Lighting • Audio • Half Dome
• Projection

The Creative Technology Center is among 100 unique spaces at The Brewery Arts Complex in Los Angeles, the largest live-work artists colony in the world, home to practitioners of artistic media that includes painting, sculpture, photography, industrial design, architecture and experimental new media.
CTC Technology

Holocryptics provides high quality,
life-sized hologram performances
with minimal space requirements
all controlled from any Internet-
accessible device.
Comes with a library of content and
customizable content for any occasion
Completely portable.
View sizzle reels of holograms of
DJ’s and singer performances:
Rent or purchase. For details contact:

Case Studies
Institut Guttman
Allow physically challenged people with
neurological disorders to feel the freedom
and positive sensations of ascending the
Pedraforca mountain in an immersive way
A group of 20 patients from the Institut
Guttman diagnosed with neurological
disorders have participated in this inclusive Salomon initiative that gifts patients with the experience of climbing a mountain immersively through Broomx technology.
Klimt: The Immersive Experience
Ideal is a digital art center that is a pioneer in bringing immersive art exhibitions to Barcelona. Its latest exhibition, “Klimt: the immersive experience,”celebrates the life of the Austrian artist Gustav Klimt. Visitors immerse themselves in Klimt’s brilliant work and learn about the context of his life during the 19th century, which inspired his paintings.Rent or purchase.
For details contact:

• Concert lighting
• Trusses
• Microphones and stands
• Soundboards
• Speakers
• Lighting Cables
• Audio Cables
• Microphone Cables
• Panasonic, Samsung, Apple, Vizio TVs
• Tripods
• HD Panasonic Camera
• Apple thunderbolt displays
• 24” Widescreen Editing Monitor
• RealD 3D glasses
• 3D screens rear projection
• Inflatable dome
• Much much more
Rent or purchase.
For details contact: