Nokia representative Geoff Bundt presented the latest and
greatest offering from Nokia camera.
We support and curate discovery-driven immersive technology endeavors, providing insight and opportunity through the introduction, education and application of
alternative realities and how they enhance the human experience.
About us
We support and curate discovery-driven immersive technology endeavors, providing insight and opportunity through the introduction, education and application of
alternative realities and how they enhance the human experience.
About us
About us
About us
We support and curate discovery-driven immersive technology endeavors, providing insight and opportunity through the introduction, education and application of
alternative realities and how they enhance the human experience.
We support and curate discovery-driven immersive technology endeavors, providing insight and opportunity through the introduction, education and application of
alternative realities and how they enhance the human experience.
We explore, experiment in and educate all possibilities available through virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Extreme
Reality (XR), and all existing and emerging immersive technologies.
We explore, experiment in and educate all possibilities available through virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Extreme
Reality (XR), and all existing and emerging immersive technologies.
We explore, experiment in and educate all possibilities available through virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Extreme
Reality (XR), and all existing and emerging immersive technologies.
We explore, experiment in and educate all possibilities available through virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Extreme
Reality (XR), and all existing and emerging immersive technologies.

We support and curate discovery-driven immersive technology endeavors, providing insight and opportunity through the introduction, education and application of
alternative realities and how they enhance the human experience.
We support and curate discovery-driven immersive technology endeavors, providing insight and opportunity through the introduction, education and application of
alternative realities and how they enhance the human experience.
• 3opolis, LLC
ª CTC Foundation
• Holocryptics
• Alternity
• Laugh Lounge
• Planet Experts
• BroomX
• Quantum Harmonix
• Michael Strauss Visuals
• Visual Reality
• Move the World
• Joel Fitzpatrick Studio
• 3c Center for Conscious Creativity


CTC foundation
By creating and communicating highly engaging experiences through creative technology, the CTC foundation makes
measurable impacts on the outcomes of its selected causes:
• Education and understanding of creative technology
• Role of creative technology as a creative life force in our universe
• Role of immersive technology in climate change drawdown
• Contribution of creative technologies to a healthy planet earth
• Providing opportunities to those passionate about immersive tech
Our Mission
CTCf seeks to leverage its relationships with 3opolis and
its associated companies to engage, inform, educate, affect
and report significant impacts on our targeted causes where
knowledge, experience, and understanding of creative
technology and its role as a sustainable and creative life
force in our universe provides opportunities for participation
in positive change.
The Creative Technology Center Foundation (CTCf) enables 3opolis, LLC and its affiliate companies to lead from
the forefront in the Immersive Experiences space. With the evolution and popularity
of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented
Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and
Metaverse, CTCf has recognized the
significant role it can play in affecting
“social good” by leveraging these
technologies in concert with the unique
offerings of the companies with whom
they have relationships.
CTCf identifies 4 areas where we enable the expertise of our associates to make a measurable impact on social good by elevating Immersive Technology and Experiences. The CTCf non-profit initiatives are Immersive Art, Health and Well-being, Education, and Climate Change.
Our story
CTCf Initiatives
Today, a vast majority of healthcare institutions are rapidly opting in for immersive technologies to enhance performance or enable learning processes…
It has become possible to recreate entire Operating Rooms with full sound, functioning and responsive equipment, realistic virtual patients, hand tracking
and natural procedure interactions. The immersive solutions allow healthcare workers to collect performance data, analyze it, evaluate it and even provide feedback. – Forbes, Aug 5, 2021, The Healthcare industry is tapping into the immense capabilities of immersive technologies using Augmented Reality,
Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality from operating rooms to virtual training. In addition, CTCf is associated with a company that enhances health and
well-being through visual + sound meditation experiences called Alternity. A collaboration of artists creating experiences using new media technologies to create awe & wonder, Alternity promotes mental and physical wellness while enabling creative expression via production of live and virtual meditative
events. Their scheduled virtual and live experience events also create branded experiences for alternative healthcare companies such as the
on-line CBD company, Lord Jones.They participate in celebrations of the lives of key contributors to alternative life perspectives such as LEARY DAY: A Cyberdelic Celebration Honoring Timothy Leary’s 100th Birthday. They are highly recognized for their annual contributions to both the real-time and virtual Burning Man gatherings. As Visual Reality they have been a major event contributor at the CTC studio for the semi-annual ArtWalk when the Los Angeles Brewery Art Colony opens its doors to the public for a hands-on experience of future facing professional art being created in the heart of the Los Angeles downtown art center. Visual Reality regularly appeared at Wizdome Los Angeles, a spectacular immersive art and music dome park. Alternity has submitted
experience performance films to thee annual DomeFest event in Southern California. Alternity, a major producer in CTCf sponsored events was
co-founded by Dan Weinberg, Don Schneider, Torkom Ji, and Michael Strauss.

CTCf is developing education programs that leverage immersive technologies to inform and inspire K-12, higher education, corporate and
other learning organizations. Among the current programs being developed are those that provide exposure to the basics and applications of
VR, AR,MR, Metaverse, 360 projection, projection mapping and Holographics. These programs encourage and inspire innovation in the world of
immersive technologies and its impact on current and future social challenges. The CTCf Education initiative seeks to provide the understanding and
experimentation of merging art and technology that encourages the innovation of new media experiences. The CTCf Education initiative supports the
concept that immersive technology can be a natural pathway that provides educators with exposure to and understanding of available immersive
technology tools that enhance life-long learning experiences. The CTCf Education initiative seeks to engage researchers in the measurements and
insights of the impact of immersive technology on education and training toward the creation of more engaging and sustainable approaches to education/training The CTCf Education initiative seeks the exploration of ideas for the development of corporate learning organizations to enhance
employee engagement, high performance and measurable execution on strategies.

Students engaged in learning by VR
Students amazed by VR
Stem lessons supported by AR

Analytics enhanced by VR in labs
Learning enhanced by holograms
Holograms simulate carbon cycle
CTCf and its affiliate companies have historical relationships with companies who share their vision and values where solutions in the form of
immersive technology and experiential events transform perspectives for a healthy, sustainable planet. Among the models we look to are these
events that are creating excitement through alternative forms of entertainment and edutainment:
Van Gogh Immersive Experience,
CTCf seeks to create a series of immersive technology experiential events focusing onthe many aspects of a healthy planet and climate change.
Fear seems be the foundation of a great deal of information about climate change. Consequently, well meaning individuals and organizations are often paralyzed by the thought that taking action is imminently too late. CTCf proposes experiential events that will inform and inspire audiences to champion
and act on the cause of climate draw-down and to celebrate the vision of a transformed planet in a visceral way. To this end, a collective of artists will
be invited to create messages using immersive technology that will achieve this goal. Ideally these events will be available in at least 12 cities. New
events will rotate on an ever-changing basis driven by emerging climate change information as the need to reach new audiences expands.

Immersive Experiences
With a 15 year history in providing tools and facility where immersive artists can create immersive arts, CTCf brings together artists and scientists to sponsor projects that go far beyond the status quo of Immersive Art. Building off 360 projection dome, VR, Holography. Experimenting in the latest technologies such as integrated AI, spacial sound, LED and projection, haptics, Augmented Reality (AR), lazor, LED light sculpture, CTC brings all elements together to create an environment where artists can access these integrations in a creative plug n play laboratory heightened immersive art experience like no other today. Also, CTC has an inventory of the latest assetse including the latest in haptic technologies for more immersive experiences.
Immersive art is an interactive and experiential form of art that differs from traditional art forms in that it allows for a more immersive and interactive experience for the viewer. With traditional art forms, such as paintings or sculptures, the viewer generally observes the work from a distance.
Immersive art experiences are a burgeoning trend in many industries, with groups such as Meow Wolf, Culturespaces and teamLab fusing either art and technology or art and entertainment. Essentially, these immersive attractions display art in new ways. Some locations bring famous artworks to life, while others use digital projectors, holography, and virtual reality (AR). At some venues, visitors can enjoy secret passageways, interactive art, and installation rooms.